
June 13, 2011 at 2:24 pm Leave a comment

It’s me!

I was born as the first child of four children, was born eighteen years before I typed this post. Oh yes, this is only a post rather than a diary that tells kesahku complained. It is not also a novel that raised the real story. Information about myself I was born and given the name “Ronald Pardede”, waw pretty name, one year eight months I became an only child. Before my first sister was born!. Not a lot of what I saw in those days than what my parents told olehorang and the people around them. That’s what I know is I was born in the late afternoon of April six years and nine one. Born with a healthy body, fat and big. Maybe because I was conceived during the ten months.
My childhood quite pleasant, with undivided attention from parents. Born in a village two and a half hour away from the city district. Born of a mother who married a guru.di a place my father in assigned housing. My growth is quite good, though far from town, my parents gave me milk powder every day after the breastfeeding period. A form of love that I proud of today. At that very rarely infants and toddlers get the milk. My parents bought the milk through the only one in the village minibus, minibus that nearly each day to the city. I’m healthy babies liked by neighbors, in the afternoon when the mother carried me for a walk around the house a lot of girls who like to carry me.
Pleasure that continues even though my sister was born, my parents’ attention remains intact to me. My first sister was born on December twenty-five nine two. Right Christmas night, but in the village my family is the only Christian family. That’s what I know about the birth of my sister. Then me and my sister grew up together. Because of our age are not much different from father to equate what I get toys and toys that gets. We are quite a lot of toys compared to other children in the village.
Six years from my birth I went to elementary school. Although it before it happens, I’ve started to learn. I never felt the bench playgroup or kindergarten. Because of the village there is no educational institutions are like that. Due to limited classroom space, the between-class and second class at the join in one room, and besides the number of primary school students in the place was not too much.

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